Science might yet prevail

Science might yet prevail

Earlier this year, a satellite photo of a mountain of discarded clothes in Chile’s Atacama Desert went viral:

Clearly visible from space, it once again raised questions about the amount of waste the fashion industry is creating, and what we can do about it.

I’ve written a lot about fashion’s evil influence on trashing our planet. It’s fairly insane.

there is hope:

“Instead of dyes you could use the structure of the fibre itself, the same for water repellency, rather than coating it, or to make wrinkle-free fabrics.”

While the term “fast fashion” was originally coined to refer to the short length of time clothes took to go from the design stage to shop, it has come to mean endless consumption of cheap clothes.


The full (fascinating) article:

Climate Stripes

Climate Stripes

Admit it. It’s fun to laugh at global warming deniers. Until you realize that they’re serious.

Design can be many things, but the thing at which it succeeds best is education. Professor Ed Hawkins (University of Reading) has created a graphic entitled “Climate Stripes” which make an eloquent, and damning point. The Earth is indeed warming. Terrifyingly so:

since 2000, heating of the planet has in fact continued at a rate equivalent to more than 250 billion 1KW household electric heaters. This is based upon evidence from thousands of automated ocean buoys that measure down to a depth of nearly 2km, combined with global satellite data measuring radiative energy entering and leaving the planet.
Recent research indicates the current slowing in the rate of surface warming is primarily caused by natural ocean variability linked to La Niña conditions affecting the Pacific.
During the 1980s and 1990s, heating from greenhouse gases warmed the upper layers of the ocean, which affected global surface temperatures. In the 2000s, changes in ocean circulation have caused this additional heat energy to affect deeper layers beneath the sea surface as demonstrated using a combination of simulations and observations. cares deeply about this topic. We’re proud to be an early adopter of Stripe (our credit card processor) Climate, joining over 25K small and large businesses. We contribute 1% to the Climate fund which uses that money to fund large-scale carbon removal.

To be clear, we contribute 1%, not you (although you are welcome to!). This contribution is not factored into our pricing and is automatically processed through Stripe.



less is more

We are all connected. This is not a kumbaya moment from us to you. It is real and indisputable. You, your actions, and your thoughts affect everyone and everything around you.

This is neither abstract nor a slogan. It is critically important. Your actions have immediate, measurable and wide-ranging effects.

This inescapable fact is evident in spades when we talk about the degradation of our environment. And this deleterious effect is nowhere more evident than in the fashion industry.

It’s well-documented just how toxic fashion is. And it’s data can be overwhelming. Indeed, only gas & oil production is more polluting.

LOOKING good can be bad for the planet. Massive amounts of energy, water and other resources are needed to make clothes. From the pesticides poured on cotton fields to the washes in which denim is dunked, making 1kg of fabric generates 23kg of greenhouse gases on average, reckons McKinsey, a consultancy. Because consumers keep almost every type of apparel only half as long as they did 15 years ago, these inputs go to waste faster than ever before. More than half of the fastest-fashion items made are chucked away within a year of production. But such rampant retail therapy costs the earth. 

The Environmental Costs of Creating Clothes, Forbes, August 11, 2017

fashion ain’t pretty, doll.

The film below details in great depth the heinous environmental abuse created by a culture of fast fashion. Schein, TEMU, AMAZON, H&M, all create an insatiable lust for disposable apparel.

what this means to you (and

We’re proud to be an early member of STRIPE’s CLIMATE initiative. We’ve joined over 200K small to large businesses in this industry effort. As our payment processor, we pay a 1% fee to STRIPE’s Carbon Removal efforts. It may not seem like a large amount, but when taken in aggregate, the efforts become powerful.

care to join?


Wherever possible we select environmentally beneficial materials, created responsibly. You can find our latest efforts on this by selecting the ECO-LOGICAL COLLECTION from the SPECIAL COLLECTION menu.


We’ve added the option to contribute a small amount when selecting your shipping method to offset carbon emissions intrinsic in moving your purchase from A to B.


Ecology is only a part of what we care about. We work closely with suppliers and vendors to make sure that our business relationship is founded on fair and equitable compensation and adherence to globally recognized labor laws.