Thanks for noticing our snappy new look!

We started’s online presence way back in 2005. We were interested mostly in the burgeoning field of ecommerce and what technologies were being developed to further that goal.

“Developing” an ecommerce web site really is just that: development. An ongoing process. We’ve used well to explore, test out and sometimes force new technologies to function. We can not possibly advocate using one piece of software over another if we didn’t understand it intrinsically. Likewise, play with new design trends, new looks and new ways of displaying information. We’ve learned a lot.

And we created a lot more. Until just recently, we hosted over 16K SKUs. Yup, 16,000 items.

Truly Custom

Since we’re not an aspiring Amazon, we’ve decided that the time was right to start over using the great insight gained and begin to focus on a truly unique and personal aesthetic which is more sophisticated and detailed. At the heart of this endeavor, we are leveraging the power of print-on-demand technologies to allow each and every item in our catalog to be personalized.

By “personalized,” we don’t mean monograms. We mean that you can play, tweak, edit and revamp any item. The items we create are the beginnings of journeys exploring color, shape, texture and form. Use them as jumping-off points, or tell us what you’d like to see.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a more human shopping experience. This means outstanding communications, anticipatory problem-solving and a true commitment to sustainable production.

Creating New Collections

Our favorite collections are always driven by a fascinating aspect of our culture: art. Pop art, fine art, classicism, modern, surrealist — all fair game. We’re equally amazed at how this inherited human quality of “creating art” is expressed through different cultures. We’re exploring Ancient Islamic Art, Indian Art and the wonderful new topics we’re researching everyday. Expect the new collections to be full of information, thoughtful writing and as always, an exacting eye for detail.

We’ll also be exploring new ways to engage you. Visual storytelling through web stories, audio explorations via audio narrow-casting, events… we’re excited!

Join Us

Sign up below and we’ll keep you abreast of new collections, deals and sales. We do not share your information. Ever.